Puddle Jump Through Life With Us - Living... Loving... Growing... washed in the love of Christ

Puddle Jump Through Life With Us - Living... Loving... Growing... washed in the love of Christ

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Flowing River of Blessings

It's time for a good book

Thursday, August 9, 2012

There Still are Good People Everywhere by Lynea Gillen

There is good news after all.  This new book by Lynea Gillen is refreshing in more ways than the title, Good People Everywhere, suggests.

This book is a sweet child's bedtime book, a fantastic way to start the day book, a pick-me up in the middle of the day book and an all around mood lifter anytime you need encouragement.

The book's author, Lynea Gillen, knew there was a way to influence young children in a way that counterbalances the bad news heard everyday.  She decided to write a book about all the good that people do.  Focus on the good, and don't dwell on the bad.

The book begins talking about how, in neighborhoods all over the world, people are doing good.  It then walks through colorful illustrations, provided by Kristina Swarner, of everday people doing good.

You will see carpenters, chefs and school teachers.  But, what I loved was how she included midwives as well as doctors and gave credit to mommies who cook and take care of their children as well as workers in other industries.  I love how she includes a teenager doing good, as the teen years are so often attributed to nonsense and a time of self absorption instead.

At the end of the book, she challenges the reader to do good by asking, "I wonder what you will do?"  Following this is a "Good Person" Award your child can personalize and an invitation to visit www.ThreePebblePress.com for more home and school activities.

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