I've seen others post wrap-ups of their weeks, and I have decided to jump on the bandwagon. So, this is my very first Weekly Wrap-Up post.
This week, and last, have left me feeling emotionally and physically spent! Not to mention, I'm questioning every decision I have ever made about my parenting style, including whether or not I'm failing my children by homeschooling them.
See how other homeschoolers' weeks went, and add your Weekly Wrap-Up to the Linky by clicking on the picture below:

This week, and last, have left me feeling emotionally and physically spent! Not to mention, I'm questioning every decision I have ever made about my parenting style, including whether or not I'm failing my children by homeschooling them.
At the start of the week, we made a huge undertaking by moving my son's computer that he built on his 14th birthday in May last year, up to his bedroom. he informed me (after, some hurtful conversation) that his room was babyish. So, I proceeded to help him grow it up a bit. I stripped his windows of the Snoopy flag banners that hung over his drapes, and took down his wooden airplane shelf, and then we set up a table for his computer and gaming systems and removed my husband's childhood desk that had been in my son's room.
This week has been our week set aside and designated to SAT testing, more precisely OLSAT testing. We usually test with the SAT in the spring just to give me an idea where my children are at, and to provide a record for them. It isn't required by my state, but I feel more confident as a teacher by knowing they have a record of progress each year.
We used to test at a local Christian school, but a couple years ago I applied and was accepted to become a testing administrator. So, now we test at home. Though, this is a decision I may reverse next year for my youngest. She seems to freeze up and panic when it comes times for her test. What I thought we could finish in just a couple days, has taken four so far.
My middle child, on the other hand, is always eager to test. She likes to compete with her siblings, and tries to be the first one done. My oldest, who is a Freshman in high school this year, is the one who drags his feet the most. But, in the end is the one who comes out with shining scores. I'm hoping that trend continues, because he will probably be testing for the ACT at a local high school this summer.
I had set aside this week to focus on testing, but really, we had many other interruptions. See, I also scheduled doctor visits for this week, including a trip to the orthodontist for my son and a trip to the eye doctor, where my daughter received her very first pair of contacts... Which, also meant that was followed by a trip to the store to buy sunglasses (a perk when you've had glasses and unable to wear sunglasses over top of them). Of course, this visit means a couple more trips back to the eye doctor to pick up glasses for my son and to get the supply of contacts for my daughter after a week of wearing them eye check visit on Good Friday! Right now, she only has a trial pair and has been instructed to wear them 4 hours one day, 6 the next, 8 the next, and so on.
And, of course, we had our typical "normal" schedule of Robotics for my son and Enrichment Thursdays (Co-op) for my daughters.
Speaking of Robotics, last week (since I wasn't writing Weekly Wrap-Ups yet), was my son's first Robotics Regionals. They came in 9th rank overall, and from my understanding is 20th in the entire state. They are awaiting a hopeful invitation to the Championships which take place in April and include 400 Robotic teams from around the world. In the meantime, my week last week was dedicated to driving my son to Chaifetz Arena on the SLU campus, which meant waking up super early (for us) and spending the day at an arena where food was super expensive with no healthy options. We ended up with pizza, nachos and bottles of water for about $30. The bid for the championship would be excited, but it takes place on the same weekend as my daughter's Drama play performance from her Co-op.
And, Co-op - ugh! I am not a co-op kind of mom to begin with and am so done with the drama of other moms and board members that took a shakedown a couple months ago. I don't know the details, but wish I did because not knowing, and not knowing who I can trust to tell me the true story behind the emotional drama, has left me feeling angry and confused. Have I mentioned that growing up, I was so much more comfortable with males than females? Women can be so mean. So, we have four more weeks of this year's co-op, and then I only plan on enrolling my oldest daughter next year so she can be with her friend, because she has come to absolutely love co-op days and would not want to deprive her of this privilege. At the same time, it's become too much on me to drive back and forth, dropping off one child and than back to get my youngest and get her to class only to have to stay on the premises while she's in class - An hour I really can't afford as I was accustomed to getting writing work done while my older daughter was at co-op, but they changed rules to insist upon parents of the younger children be on campus while they are in class. While I used to drop off my oldest daughter and then go to a coffee shop to write before returning to pick her up, I now drop off my oldest daughter, drive home, return with my youngest daughter later in the day, stay on the premises, drive home, and then drive my son to robotics that evening. It's a whole lot of yo-yo driving time that I simply can't afford when I need that time to focus on work.
And, so we come to the end of a week (And, my very first Weekly Wrap-Up).
See how other homeschoolers' weeks went, and add your Weekly Wrap-Up to the Linky by clicking on the picture below:
It sounds like you had a busy week. We were on vacation in Florida for spring break all week.