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Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Homeschool Review Crew - Times Tables The Fun Way

Times Tables the Fun Way {Review}, #hsreviews, #onlinemath, #mathsupplement, #multiplication, #learnmultiplication, times tables the fun way, learn multiplication facts, teach times tables, teach multiplication, best way to learn multiplication

My child, for some unknown reason to me, panics when I talk about multiplication and division, so I was thrilled to get a chance to review Times Alive! from Times Tables the Fun Way. Who wouldn't want to turn a panic-striken learning time into fun? The program offers online lessons with animated songs and stories to learn times tables the fun way!

Times Tables the Fun Way {Review}, #hsreviews, #onlinemath, #mathsupplement, #multiplication, #learnmultiplication, times tables the fun way, learn multiplication facts, teach times tables, teach multiplication, best way to learn multiplication
Times Tables the Fun Way {Review}, #hsreviews, #onlinemath, #mathsupplement, #multiplication, #learnmultiplication, times tables the fun way, learn multiplication facts, teach times tables, teach multiplication, best way to learn multiplication

What is Times Alive! From Times Tables the Fun Way?

20 minutes a day at least twice a week is all it takes! If you devote this short amount of time to the program every week, many students are able to complete the program in a month.

The program uses online images, video, songs, and interactive activities to teach the times tables. As the children watch, they see a story that associates with each times table fact, are provided colorful images of the numbers that help them remember the story and the fact, and it is followed up with a song and opportunities for the child to complete multiplication math problems that have to do with the times table fact they just learned.

The lessons included pretests, progress checkes, movies (where the story is presented), music, on-screen coloring/painting and quizzes. The icons show you if your student has viewed the lesson as well as when the child has completed the lesson. The lessons we received covered the following multiplication facts:

The program keeps track of your child's progress and provides you with progress reports and lesson lists along the way. If you like, you can also print worksheets and the progress report for your records. I will note that when my daughter took the pre-test, she really struggled on some of the questions, but when I noticed her progress when the program was done, she got 100% on the post-test and only took about 6 minutes or so to complete it.

How Did We Use It?

Times Tables the Fun Way {Review}, #hsreviews, #onlinemath, #mathsupplement, #multiplication, #learnmultiplication, times tables the fun way, learn multiplication facts, teach times tables, teach multiplication, best way to learn multiplication  
Times Tables the Fun Way {Review}, #hsreviews, #onlinemath, #mathsupplement, #multiplication, #learnmultiplication, times tables the fun way, learn multiplication facts, teach times tables, teach multiplication, best way to learn multiplication

Times Tables the Fun Way {Review}, #hsreviews, #onlinemath, #mathsupplement, #multiplication, #learnmultiplication, times tables the fun way, learn multiplication facts, teach times tables, teach multiplication, best way to learn multiplication

I received a 3-month subscription to the online access. I logged on, and my daughter took the pre-test and then began the lessons. We used the program to supplement our existing math curriculum and to give her a boost at learning multiplication, which she has been terrified to do, but the lessons really take the edge off making it fun and engaging. We usually completed more than one lesson a day and were able to finish within the review time even with my daughter missing a week due to illness.

Times Tables the Fun Way {Review}, #hsreviews, #onlinemath, #mathsupplement, #multiplication, #learnmultiplication, times tables the fun way, learn multiplication facts, teach times tables, teach multiplication, best way to learn multiplication
Times Tables the Fun Way {Review}, #hsreviews, #onlinemath, #mathsupplement, #multiplication, #learnmultiplication, times tables the fun way, learn multiplication facts, teach times tables, teach multiplication, best way to learn multiplication  Times Tables the Fun Way {Review}, #hsreviews, #onlinemath, #mathsupplement, #multiplication, #learnmultiplication, times tables the fun way, learn multiplication facts, teach times tables, teach multiplication, best way to learn multiplication
Times Tables the Fun Way {Review}, #hsreviews, #onlinemath, #mathsupplement, #multiplication, #learnmultiplication, times tables the fun way, learn multiplication facts, teach times tables, teach multiplication, best way to learn multiplication  Times Tables the Fun Way {Review}, #hsreviews, #onlinemath, #mathsupplement, #multiplication, #learnmultiplication, times tables the fun way, learn multiplication facts, teach times tables, teach multiplication, best way to learn multiplication
Times Tables the Fun Way {Review}, #hsreviews, #onlinemath, #mathsupplement, #multiplication, #learnmultiplication, times tables the fun way, learn multiplication facts, teach times tables, teach multiplication, best way to learn multiplication

Times Tables the Fun Way {Review}, #hsreviews, #onlinemath, #mathsupplement, #multiplication, #learnmultiplication, times tables the fun way, learn multiplication facts, teach times tables, teach multiplication, best way to learn multiplication
Times Tables the Fun Way {Review}, #hsreviews, #onlinemath, #mathsupplement, #multiplication, #learnmultiplication, times tables the fun way, learn multiplication facts, teach times tables, teach multiplication, best way to learn multiplication

What Did We Think?

Times Tables the Fun Way {Review}, #hsreviews, #onlinemath, #mathsupplement, #multiplication, #learnmultiplication, times tables the fun way, learn multiplication facts, teach times tables, teach multiplication, best way to learn multiplication

Hands down, our favorite lesson was 6X6 = Thirsty Sixes (36). But, 9's were also a hit as previously my daughter panicked at the thought of multiplying 9s. But, the Times Tables The Fun Way lesson showed us a secret way of using fingers to come up with the answer, and it's brilliant!

Times Tables the Fun Way {Review}, #hsreviews, #onlinemath, #mathsupplement, #multiplication, #learnmultiplication, times tables the fun way, learn multiplication facts, teach times tables, teach multiplication, best way to learn multiplication

Times Tables the Fun Way {Review}, #hsreviews, #onlinemath, #mathsupplement, #multiplication, #learnmultiplication, times tables the fun way, learn multiplication facts, teach times tables, teach multiplication, best way to learn multiplication  Times Tables the Fun Way {Review}, #hsreviews, #onlinemath, #mathsupplement, #multiplication, #learnmultiplication, times tables the fun way, learn multiplication facts, teach times tables, teach multiplication, best way to learn multiplication

I liked how the program presented the material in more than one learning style. For instance, it not only sang a song to help the chid remember, but it also told a story for each new fact, and presented the numbers drawn in character form. So, it was easy to visualize the numbers and connect them to the story to come up with the multiplication fact. It also presented the multiplcation math problems in a traditional format for the child to interact with and allows you to print the worksheets if preferred.

The program worked great for us, using it as a supplement to our full math curriculum and took a lot of the fright away from learning multiplication for my daughter. What I really enjoyed was hearing her try to work math problems from her full-time curriculum and sound out the stories that she had seen presented in the Times Tables The Fun Way lessons on screen. This was a pleasant surprise that spoke volumes to me about the effectivenss of the program.


Read what other members of the Homeschool Review Crew thought by clicking on the picture below:

Times Tables the Fun Way {Review}

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