Puddle Jump Through Life With Us - Living... Loving... Growing... washed in the love of Christ

Puddle Jump Through Life With Us - Living... Loving... Growing... washed in the love of Christ

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Flowing River of Blessings

It's time for a good book

Friday, March 10, 2017

First Month of Teen Driving With Learner's Permit

OK, not quite, bu it's almost been a month since my daughter got her driver's learning permit, or in our state it is referred to as an instructional permit. Officially, March 14 will be one full month of driving under her belt.

So, what has she accomplished?

We started off in a parking lot
We returned to a parking lot
We found a new parking lot
We returned to that parking lot a few times
We found another parking lot where she drove with her dad
We found another parking lot where she did parallel parking maneuvers and learning her parameters by pulling into and out of parking spaces
She drove slowly on the neighborhood streets with her dad
She drove slowly on the neighborhood streets with me.
She drove again on the neighborhood streets and parked successfully in the garage
We returned to a parking lot for more parallel parking maneuvers and parking spaces pulling into and out of
We did it again in a separate lot.
And, I believe again.
She drove around on the streets in the neighborhood behind us which has acreage between houses and lots of narrow streets. She then turned onto the small highway in front of our neighborhood and returned to our house.
Today - It's my turn with her on real streets - Even though she's doing well, wish me luck, and say a prayer that I stay calm! I am still a parent after all.


We discovered that the school lot near us is always filled with kids, people, buses or cars. I'm convinced these children are sleeping at this school.

We discovered that she is a careful, precise driver which didn't surprise us at all.

She has logged enough driving hours within the month's time to be able to drive to Michigan from our house.

Hopefully, this summer, she will actually drive to or from Michigan on the highway.

Time flies and goes way too fast!

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