Puddle Jump Through Life With Us - Living... Loving... Growing... washed in the love of Christ

Puddle Jump Through Life With Us - Living... Loving... Growing... washed in the love of Christ

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Flowing River of Blessings

It's time for a good book

Monday, July 23, 2018

Branson Tragedy Duck Boat If only a hand from the sky guides the boat

This past week, there was a tragedy in Branson, MO. I have been to Branson a few times. Though, I've never ridden the Ducks. Honestly, one of my greatest fears is driving a vehicle into a body of water. So, the idea of riding along and trusting technology and a tour guide driver to guide me around the streets of Branson and then into the lake never appealed to me. Now, I'm secretly breathing a sigh of relief that this was how I felt when we visited the tourist city when our children were small, while still grieving deeply with those affected by this recent tragedy.

I know it's easy to point fingers of blame at a time like this. And, I currently do not understand why those in charge didn't just insist that the passengers wear life jackets, knowing there were storms in the area. I honestly don't understand why they went into the water. But, it's easy for me to look in hindsight and wonder and blame. These are not the things that are needed right now.

Right now, the survivors no doubt wish that their loved ones had been saved and are probably dealing with anger and trauma as their own bodies heal. I'm sure they are questioning why they were spared and probably wishing they hadn't been, at least in the case of the mother who lost her husband and all three babies is most likely asking this.

It brought to mind this picture that I took a few years ago while vacationing in the Carolinas. This is an undoctored, unfiltered photo of the sunset after a storm. The clouds to me look like a hand is reaching down to rescue a boat. When the picture was taken, there had been an incident involving a young boy, a dad, and a boat. Regardless, I think the picture is a good reminder that we do have a guiding hand from the heavens.

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