Puddle Jump Through Life With Us - Living... Loving... Growing... washed in the love of Christ

Puddle Jump Through Life With Us - Living... Loving... Growing... washed in the love of Christ

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Flowing River of Blessings

It's time for a good book

Monday, February 25, 2019

Vintage Comics - When Your Childhood Memories Become Your Retirement Plan

OK, so my husband has been going through his toys and comics from when he was a kid. We decided to try to sell them, or at least most of them - whatever we could. See, this is the only way a self-employed musician can stake claim to any kind of retirement plan. So, that's out clever ploy - Sell his vintage comics and toys and save some money from the profits, if any.

In the process, I've also been wanting to post more video and build back up my YouTube channel that I started ages ago. I started it and shared it with my husband at the time, so it was sort of a family deal and a lot of his music playing video got mixed in with our children's dance videos and anything else that blended our lives together.

A few years ago, I made him his own YouTube channel for him to upload and share his musical videos for a sort of a resume' to show to potential clients wanting to book him for music entertainment. Still, some of them remain on my channel.

Another byproduct of sharing a channel is that back in the day when we started our YouTube channel, I just threw together a user name. So, it turned out being the same as my Twitter and other social media - the combination of my two oldest children's names - JalenaGraham

Meanwhile, the name is probably difficult to remember if you don't know our children. But, for now it sticks.

Without further ado, here is an extremely short video of the latest vintage comic he sold. It is from the old Big Boy restaurant chain, which we didn't realize was a subsidiary of Marriott Hotels.

Pretty cool. Check it out:

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