For quite sometime now, I've been sort of on auto pilot going through life getting done the things I need to get done. Especially, when it pertains to spiritual things, I've been sadly numb. I'm sure it began with church hopping due to my hubby's pursuit of worship leader positions that were snatched away from him for no apparent reason, one after another after another landing us dragging our kids from church to church until we finally gave up and landed at the one we are at now - None of us enthused about the choice.
All of this numbness, most likely filled with unforgiveness and anger through the process of watching my hubby hurt, has taken its toll. What used to be an extremely exuberant experience of going to church to worship has become a chore.
I realized the other day that the Bible tells us that:
It hit me - If I'm not filling joy, then I must not be in his presence.
And, thus began my journey to begin blogging about 25 days of joy! I began to attempt to recapture that joy - To move into His presence once again.
It was laughably uncanny that all of a sudden every where I turned, there were signs of joy. I went to the thrift store, and there were literally signs and nick knacks that read JOY! It made me smile, and chuckle. But, I know that joy has very little to do with happiness that leads to laughter. It is deeper than that.
I'm generally a happy, content person. But, I've noticed that I have slipped into being more cantankerous and judgmental. While I do believe there is a difference between hate/judgement and discernment/wisdom and the two are often confused for the other in today's society, I also know that I'm not walking in joy.
So, I'm not sure I have 25 days of material. But, I am going to try to share signs of joy with you for the days leading up to Christmas - When we celebrate the sending of God's ultimate gift of joy - JESUS!
I will start with the concept that I mentioned - That
So, if I am not joyful, I must not be in his presence.
Let's get back there. Let's step into the presence of God where the Joy dwells.
Let's enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise.
That's the first step in getting into the presence of joy.
Who is with me on this? Do you want joy in your life? Walk with me on the next 25 days of Joy to re-cultivate or to find for the very first time - JOY!
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