Puddle Jump Through Life With Us - Living... Loving... Growing... washed in the love of Christ

Puddle Jump Through Life With Us - Living... Loving... Growing... washed in the love of Christ

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Flowing River of Blessings

It's time for a good book

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Embracing the toughest days of motherhood

I came across this in my Facebook memories today. I had written it for a contest 7 years ago.

Embracing The Toughest Days Of Motherhood

by Tere Scott

When I was a expecting my first child, I worked till the day I went into labor. During this time, my boss told me something I will never forget. She said, "Cherish every moment. The days are long, but the years are short."

Immediately, her words stood out as if an alarm was going off alerting me to always remember what she said. A month later, the eyes of my son said it all. Truly nothing prepared me for what I would see when I looked into the eyes of my first-born. He didn't have the look of other babies I had held and played with before him. This child looked back! He looked through my eyes and straight into my soul as if he was asking me, "Can I trust you? Will you take care of me?"

These are the thoughts that I consciously pull into the forefront of my thinking when the stress of parenthood fills up a day. When, I carry a screaming, kicking toddler out of a library or a store because he wasn't ready to stop playing with a toy train display, or when I thought the potty training was done only to discover my five-year old had an accident on the playground. It was then I also learned to always pack a pair of fresh undies. When I finally coaxed my son to eat his green beans and felt successful as a parent only to gain a new chore of cleaning up a green veggie mess which he had purposely gagged back up in protest.

It's days like these I step back and replay the message of my boss spoken when I was pregnant. "Cherish every moment! The days of motherhood are long, but the years are short." Too soon I will be watching my son go off to college or walk down an aisle to say "I do!" Too soon, my job of raising a boy into manhood will be over. So, for now, I'm cherishing and embracing even the days that are tough.

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