I was thrilled to get a chance to review Learning About Science Collection, Level 3 (Cursive) from WriteBonnieRose.
SPECIAL SAVINGS - save 50% on the bundled Learning About Science, Levels 1, 2, and 3 with coupon code REVIEWCREW50 through August 15
What is WriteBonnieRose?
www.WriteBonnieRose.com is a website where you will find resources for teaching from a biblical perspective. You will find copywork, printables on history, coloring pages, notebooking pages, timeline worksheets, short stories, information on how to write for homeschoolers and writing opportunities. Bonnie Rose Hudson has written for homeschoolers for several years with her main goal in mind of sharing God's love.
What is Learning About Science Collection, Level 3 (Cursive)?
I received download links for the set of 7 lesson packs and a reference sheet packed with additional learning links to creation-based science websites to further the studies. My downloads included Level 3 which focuses on handwriting practice in cursive for the creation science-related keywords being studied throughout the lessons. Each of the 7 packets provides a paragraph or so on each of the key science-related vocabulary words being taught followed by a dotted cursive outline of the word for the student to practice writing it in cursive. Each of the words corresponds with the topic of the individual packet, as I will discuss in detail. Each packet ends with a review and an answer key.
I also received informational sheets that included website addresses for further study. All of the websites listed are creation science based.
I also received informational sheets that included website addresses for further study. All of the websites listed are creation science based.
At the end there is a review of 8 questions and an answer key!
Sunlight Zone, conch, horseshoe crab, portuguese man-of-war, stingray, zooplankton, sea anemone, barracuda, bass, beluga whale, blue whale, clownfish, dolphin, flamingo tongue snail, flying fish, narwhal, orca, seahorse, trumpetfish, phytoplankton, sea grass, and kelp.
Twilight zone, cuttlefish, swordfish, deep sea hatchetfish, chiton, and snipe eel.
Midnight zone, giant isopod, giant squid, anglerfish, fangtooth, blobfish, and black swallower.
Abyssal zone, dumbo octopus, amphipod, tripod fish, trenches zone, deep sea jellyfish, and giant tubeworms.
Vertebrates, lion, cow, elephant, crocodile
Invertebrates centipede, spider, earthworm, crayfish, snail, sea urchin, jellyfish.
Fish - minnow, lionfish, great white shark
Birds - sparrow, puffin, eagle
Mammals - horse, seal, bat
Reptiles - alligator, sea turtle, iguana
Amphibians - Green frog, strawberry poison frog, Hochstetter's frog
Anthropods - Beetle, crab, scorpions
Mollusks - Cuttlefish, limpets, oyster
Followed by a 2-page Review with 8 questions and answer key.
Sunlight, air, water, air temperature, air pressure, humidity, air masses, weather, meteorologist, thermometer, anemometer, windsock, weather vane, barometer, barograph, rain gauge, weather balloon, blizzard, dust storm, earthquake, flood, fog, drought, hurricane, ice storm, mudslide, thunder and lightning, tornado, tsunami, volcano, wildfire.
The final pages include an 8-question review with answer key.
landforms, bay, beach, butte, canyon, cape, cavern, cliff, delta, desert, sand dunes, polar desert, glacier, geyser, gorge, hills, gulf, islands, isthmus, lake, mesa, mountains, block mountains, fold mountains, oasis, peninsula, plains, plateau, river, rock arch, valley, volcano, and waterfall.
The final pages are an 8-question review with answer key.
Light, heat, sound, electrical, chemical
prism, reflection, refraction
concave, convex
transparent, translucent, opaque
thermal energy, conductor, insulator, expansion and contraction, temperature, conduction, convection, radiation
sound waves, loud, soft, high, low
Atoms and electrons
Electric circuit, open switch, closed switch, amp, volt
Fossil-fueled plant, hydroelectric plant
Nuclear power plant, solar panel, wind turbines, tidal power
Geothermal plant, biofuel
The last few pages include a 12-question review and answer key
Igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic, minerals
Elements, granite, basalt, diorite, felsite, conglomerate, sandstone, shale, limestone, dolomite, marble, quartzite, serpentine, schist, crystals, geode, agate, amethyst, carnelian, diamond, hematite, kyanite, rhodochrosite, sulfur, tourmaline, and turquoise.
The final pages include an 8-question review and answer key.
How Did We Use It?
I printed everything out and then sat down with my 11 year old to see what this was all about. I first started reading the sections to her, but it didnt take long before she was taking over and doing it all herself without need for my help, as I watched and answered any questions she had.
What Did We Think?
We really enjoyed this study of science that is based on a biblical, creation science worldview. I love it when science lessons include what we believe to be the meaning behind and the reason for science, God, and his Words. We especially loved how the lessons were separated with a new paragraph section beginning with each new keyword being introduced, and there was a chance to practice cursive writing these words as well as pictures that we decided to color, since my daughter loves art and coloring. For my hands-on learner, this is a fantastic way to learn. Her hands were kept almost as busy as her eyes reading the necessary lesson material.
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