Today is Day 17 of the Advent Calendar Jesse Tree devotions. The symbol, or ornament, for Day 17 is that of a cross.
The scriptures are Isaiah 53; and
Luke 2:8-18; John 19:11-18 and John 10:15 -"I lay down my life for the sheep."
The Old Testament and the New Testament readings correspond by exposing the meaning of Christmas. We celebrate the birth of a baby only because of that baby's fulfillment of prophecy in the sacrifice on the cross followed up by His resurrection from the dead. He now rules at the right hand of God in heaven. Without this life-ending victory at the cross, there would be no reason to celebrate Christmas. In the words of Dean Lambert:
Little baby in a manger, You came to earth a tiny stranger, But soon the world would know You'd give the greatest gift of love.
You came to earth to die on Calvary Bear the pain and shame to die for me. I can't believe it - but it's so.
For you gave up your throne in glory. All the pow'r of the world was in your hands. You gave up your right to be ruler, You gave it up - to Just Be A Man.
Your kingdom was not to be worldly, Even tho' you could reign throughout the land. Your glory grew dim as a baby, and it was all a part of God's PLAN.
Little baby in a manger, You came to earth a tiny stranger. I found a home for you today, Come in my heart and always stay.
Activity: Consider activities that would typically be done at Easter such as making resurrection rolls.
Today's ornament for the Jesse Tree is the symbol of a cross. A cross can be handmade by tying together two small twigs or in a variety of other ways.
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