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Sunday, December 5, 2010

Day 21 Advent Jesse Tree

Today is Day 21 of the Advent Calendar Jesse Tree devotions. The symbol, or ornament, for Day 21 is that of a brick wall.

The scriptures are Nehemiah 1:3, 2:18, 6:15, Malachi 3:1; (for all the events of the building of the wall read all of Ezra and Nehemiah)and

Revelation 22:20 - "He who gives witness to these things says, Truly, I come quickly. Even so come, Lord Jesus."

The Old Testament and New Testament tie the story together by explaining the significance of the "wall." It represents the Wall of Jerusalem. At one time, there was a wall that encompassed the entire city of Jerusalem. Because God's people would not obey, God allowed bad armies to tear down the Wall of Jerusalem, and all the people were taken as slaves into different places and lands. But, God promised Judah to bring them back to their land. After they returned, the second Temple was completed under Zerubbabel. True worship was restored in Jerusalem in the yaer 486 B.C. Under Nehemiah's leadership, the Wall of Jerusalem was completed in 435 B.C. Following this prophesy in Malachi, there was silence from the prophets for 400 years waiting for the New Covenant which was fulfilled. You can read more in Matthew 11:10; Mark 1:2 and Luke 1:76 and Luke 7:27.

Activity: Build a wall out of cardboard bricks (If you don't own any, they can be purchased

relatively inexpensively, or build with something light-weight) - Then knock it down and rebuild it.

Today's ornament for the Jesse Tree is the symbol of a brick wall. This can be made using rectangular Lego bricks stacked up to form a wall. Or, you can use small flat pebbles and glue them together to look more authentic, like the Wall of Jerusalem.