Puddle Jump Through Life With Us - Living... Loving... Growing... washed in the love of Christ

Puddle Jump Through Life With Us - Living... Loving... Growing... washed in the love of Christ

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Flowing River of Blessings

It's time for a good book

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Keep yourself safe during the holidays

Christmas time is said to be the most wonderful time of the year. With friends and family members happily purchasing and exchanging gifts, it's also a prime time for scams, fraudulent offers and outright theft. There are some tips you can remember to avoid becoming a victim of online, shopping or in-home theft.
When shopping online, there are some basic things to keep in mind and steps you can take to make sure you don't become a victim of theft:

If a deal sounds too good to be true, it probably is. If someone is pressuring you online to "act now," guarantee... From: 10 Tips To Avoid Becoming a Victim During The Holidays