Puddle Jump Through Life With Us - Living... Loving... Growing... washed in the love of Christ

Puddle Jump Through Life With Us - Living... Loving... Growing... washed in the love of Christ

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Flowing River of Blessings

It's time for a good book

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Klampie Mystery Book Review

I read the cutest book to my five-year-old yesterday.  In the mail, I received The Klampie Mystery by Luis Rodriguez in exchange for my honest review, so I sat down with my daughter and began to read.

This book was a story about a plush koala who mysteriously gets replaced by a real koala when the family visits Australia.  I won't tell you how it happens, because that is part of what makes this book fun.  I will tell you, however, that the book is more than just a fun story.

From the opening cover to the back cover, the book shares geographical and zoological lessons that are part of the Klampie mystery.  While you are reading the book to your child, or your confident reader is reading it alone, facts about Australia and koalas will jump off the pages as naturally as the beautiful creation of Australia itself.

The book would make a great summertime read, or would work well to incorporate into a study of Australia or a study of animals, including koalas.  The pages are filled with more than three to five words like in some easy children's picture books.  You get a full story, on a child's level with pages filled with paragraphs and beautiful illustrations.  My five-year-old early/emerging reader enjoyed my reading the book to her.  However, she was pointing to every word as I read.  It is recommended for ages four to eight, and I'm sure most second graders could easily master reading it independently.

Find The Klampie Mystery by Luis Rodriguez at local bookstores, your library or on Amazon.  Follow the author and stay updated on Klampie's mystery at www.facebook.com/klampie

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