Fa la la la la la la la la! It's Christmas time which for my homeschool means a slowed pace of more casual learning - Along with, hopefully, some fun!
As part of this learning, we bring up the Christmas movies and put up decorations and begin to make holiday treats, wrap presents and get a glow in the air of excitement and anticipation.
We also have a host of Christmas books that are part of our traditions.
We have children's books that tell the account of Jesus' birth. As my children have grown, we have had several books in several different formats, from toddler board books to reading he pure passage straight out of the Bible.
But, one of my all-time favorite books is The Advent Jesse Tree Devotions for Children and Adults to Prepare for the Coming of the Christ Child at Christmas by Dean M. Lambert.
The book ties in the prophecies from the Old Testament with the fulfillment of prophecies through the birth of Christ.
Each day of Advent, the first 24 days in December, the book describes the meaning behind a token ornament for the day. It has a short devotion for smaller kids and a longer one for older kids and adults. As you go through the process of reading the devotions and putting each day's ornament onto the tree, you begin to see first-hand how the Bible completes itself as prophesies of the coming of Jesus take place.
I have always wanted to do a better job keeping up on the devotions and actually make our own ornaments, but over the years I have picked up a few at thrift stores here and there instead.
To get an idea of an abbreviated form of the book, visit my individual Jesse Tree posts here. Unfortunately, the magic of the internet has put the posts out of order, but you can scroll through to find the appropriate day and follow along with your own Jesse Tree..

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