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Monday, August 18, 2014

TOS Review: Wizzy Gizmo Fast Track Bible Pack: New Testament

Wizzy Gizmo Review
I had the privilege of reviewing the Fast Track Bible Pack: New Testament from Wizzy Gizmo. This product is for all ages, and there are guidelines provided for how to use the cards with children starting at age 2 through 12 and up.

The cards include a 27-card set of physical large 5X9 flash cards that sell for $14.99.

Wizzy Gizmo Review



Each card contains a snapshot of information about each New Testament Book.  The front of each card is a summary about that particular book of the Bible. Each summary contains the Who, What, Where, When, Why style of synopsis that breaks information down to a bottom line of easy-to-remember information. The summaries on the front of each card include:

  • Who wrote the book
  • When the book was written
  • Why the book was written
  • To whom the book was written
  • Major theme of the book
  • Key verse of the book
It's all right there on the front of each card.


The back of each card digs a little deeper, and includes:

  • Outline of the specific book
  • Key passages from the book
  • Key chapters from the book
  • Key doctrines expressed in the book
  • Key people introduced or written about in the book

The site provides a handy suggested use schedule broken down by age of child, using one card per week, summed up and slightly paraphrased in my own understanding as follows:

Ages 2-5
Every day, read the summary and theme from the front of one card per week, and then choose one key verse or doctrine from the back of the card to read each day.

Ages 6-8
Every day, read the summary and theme from the front of the card, and then review and memorize the author, date of writing and number of chapters from the front of the card before the week is through. Turn the card over, and read a key verse or key doctrine from the back of the same card every day for a week.
Ages 9-11
Every day, read the summary and theme of the front of the card, and then review and memorize the author, date of writing and number of chapters from the front of the card, choosing a new one every day for a week. Flip the card over, and read a key verse or doctrine from the back of the same card choosing a new one every day for a week. Also, review and memorize the key chapters and references of the key verses.
Have student verbally summarize the book in his or her own words at the end of the week.

Ages 12 and Up
Every day, have the student read the summary and theme of the front of the same card, and then review and memorize the author, date of writing and number of chapters from the front of the card every day for a week. From the back of the card, have the student read a key verse or doctrine every day for a week.
Review and memorize the key chapters and references of the key verses.
Review and memorize the outline and key people.
Have student communicate what he or she learned to someone else at the end of the week.

Since my children range in age from 7 to 12 to 14, I knew it would be best to personalize the cards for each child. I knew that my youngest would be ok with my reading with and/or to her every day and sitting as we memorized. But, I also knew that my middle child would want to read and memorize everything on her own. And, then there is my oldest early teen, new-to-high school this year son who hates to read and dozes off when I read to him. I was most anxious to see how he would put the cards to use knowing that I would have to guide him through every step of the way if he were to gain any learning from the cards.

I am excited about the depth of learning these cards provide. There is truly a ton of information packed onto one convenient card you can hold in your hand.

What I didn't expect was how excited my middle child would be to use them. She was really hoping for a workbook style Bible curriculum this year, but got enthused about using the cards as her Bible lessons.

One huge thing that was perfect for my son is that the cards are colorful and color coded.

The variety of ages and learning styles that come from just my three children is accounted for in the way the cards are designed. It's actually a good thing because the site also provided additional suggestions for using the cards:

Additional Suggested Uses
Start a study of each book of the Bible by reading the appropriate Fast Track Bible Pack card.
Use them as part of your Homeschool curriculum and cover one card per week.
Place them in your Bible to always have a ready-made study on-the-go
Put them on a ring to create an easy carry flip chart
Organize them in a binder, including notebook paper for note taking
Give them to your kids, or share them with other children. The cards are different and colorful, so they capture the attention of anyone young or old.
Find Wizzy Gizmo on FacebookTwitterPinterestGoogle+ and Vimeo. Also, read what other members of the TOS Review Crew thought of the Fast Track Bible Pack: New Testament and other Wizzy Gizmo products:

Click to read Crew Reviews

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1 comment:

  1. I love how you shared what your kids did! I think it's great your daughter took it and ran! It's a great product.
