I was thrilled to get a chance to review GPALOVEMATH from GPA LEARN. I received a full year (12 months) online access.
This is an online math program for students in Grades K-5 that uses three main ideas to teach math:
- Learn
- Engage
- Motivate
The GPA stands for Great Parents Academy.
Under the Learn tab, the program directs the child through learning using three different colored paths. Each path is unlocked one at a time and covers specific skills that are grade-level appropriate. Within each lesson, the student must first work through the instruction, followed by practice, and finally master a quiz.

The idea behind this section is that students whose parents are engaged in their child's learning tend to achieve better results, so there is a social networking format concept where parents are able to connect online with their student by writing encouraging notes and such.

Another way the program engages the students with the parent/teacher is through frequent progress report email updates.

As the child works through each level, he or she is awarded prizes that the parent selects. These might include 10 extra minutes before bed, extra screen time, or any award that you individualize. For me, I set up my daughter's awards to hug one of her stuffed elephants (elephants are her only motivation). There is also the option of choosing from marketplace awards, like Toys R Us or Target gift cards.
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GPA Screenshot - Character on screen teachers by grade level |
I was given access to use up to five learning levels, but since I only have one child within the K-5 grade range, I set up the account for my daughter. This process was super easy, and then I watched some instructional video and tried it out for myself before setting my daughter down in front of the computer. Once I did, I decided that it would be good for her to complete one lesson in the green path, one in the purple path, and one in the blue path each day. Though, you are able to decide how many lessons your child is able to handle and spend more time on new concepts they struggle with or less time on concepts they have already mastered.
Since she was working at the 3rd Grade level, The robot Abacus was her on-screen teacher who walks the child through the practice questions, explaining each step, and then when the child is ready, he or she takes the quiz. If the child performs well on the quiz, they are allowed to move on. Otherwise, they review and retake the quiz until they master it. My child did at least one of each of the colored paths each day.
What Did We Think?
It was very easy to set up the student account and to give my child computer time for each lesson. I really liked the idea of the reward systems set up to motivate the child, even though this particular child of mine isn't motivated by rewards. She is, however, motivated by encouragement which was definitely provided, both through my ability to send her encouraging notes through the program as well as the immediate feedback after each quiz which used encouraging expressions, like "Rock Star", or ""Nice Job". As a parent, I also really appreciated the communications through emails after my child had finished a lesson. I would receive updates and progress reports which, if I wanted to, I could print out for her school record portfolio.
Find GPA LEARN on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.
Find GPA LEARN on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.
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