Puddle Jump Through Life With Us - Living... Loving... Growing... washed in the love of Christ

Puddle Jump Through Life With Us - Living... Loving... Growing... washed in the love of Christ

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It's time for a good book

Friday, November 6, 2015

TOS Review - Eat Your U.S. History Homework by Ann McCallum Books

Get out your aprons, your rolling pins, and bring your appetite. Learning just got a bit more palatable and oh so tasty. I was thrilled to get a chance to review one of Ann McCallum Books called, Eat Your U.S. History Homework. Written by Ann McCallum and illustrated by Leeza Hernandez.

What is the Eat Your U.S. History Homework?

This 48-page book presents various parts of history with stories told around recipes from throughout history. I received a physical, hard-cover book. We got to learn about:

Introduction which includes a timeline from 1607-1789
Kitchen Tips
Thanksgiving Succotash
Colonial Cherry-Berry Grunt
Lost Bread
Southern Plantation Hoe Cakes
Revolutionary Honey-Jumble Cookies
Independence Ice Cream
History Review
Glossary of Terms

Each new featured recipe begins with a brief history and how the particular recipe fits this time period or historic story. Following this brief history is a 2-page spread of ingredients and instructions to prepare the featured food item. Then, while you wait for the food to cook, there are additional pages of historic fact surrounding the recipe and a section called "Side Dish" that gives interesting facts about this time in history.

After you have covered all of the recipe sections, there is a History Review that highlights each time period learned and a Glossary that contains historic terms and dates. The last pages are an alphabetical index to help you easily go back to refer to anything you want to cover again.

How Did We Use It?

Friday was our day to eat our homework. We sat down and read a new chapter each week and made sure we had all of the ingredients to make the recipe that was presented for that chapter. It was a really fun time with my daughter and I in the kitchen, but it was even more fun to watch her excitement about making something she later shared with the family. The historical facts were covered in about a page, followed by the recipe, followed by additional interesting tidbits about that time in history. So, it really was solid history lessons wrapped up in yumminess (if that's a word).

What Did We Think?

We learned a lot of history that I didn't even know, and my daughter loved eating her homework. The book is quality bound with a hard cover and jacket, plus we put it inside a plastic recipe holder so it wouldn't get messy while we cooked.

I was honestly very impressed by how much interesting historic fact this book covered while keeping recipes true to their time frames.  I'll be honest and tell you that our most favorite recipe in the entire book is the Revolutionary Honey-Jumble Cookies, and I'm not going to give away the most interesting part of the story connected to these. You'll have to get the book to find out for yourself, but I'll give you a hint: It has to do with coffee v. tea in America. And, we now will have a new holiday tradition when it comes to baking cookies, because even my non-cookie-eating hubby agrees that these cookies were the best any of us have ever had.

Members of the TOS Review Crew received a few of the other Ann McCallum Books to review. Find out what they thought of:
Eat Your Math Homework
Eat Your Science Homework
Rabbits, Rabbits Everywhere: A Fibonacci Tale
Beanstalk: The Measure of a Giant

Read what other members of the TOS Review Crew thought by clicking on the picture below:

Ann McCallum Books Review

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  1. All of your finished products look yummy!

    1. What a gorgeous post! Your pictures are beautiful. I like the way you modified the Colonial Cherry-Berry Grunt and that your hubby appreciated the Revolutionary Honey Jumble Cookies so much. True Yumminess! Thank you for such a lovely review!
