Today is Day 7 of the Advent Calendar Jesse Tree devotions. The symbol, or ornament, for Day 7 is that of a colorful coat.
The scriptures are Genesis 37:3-36 and Genesis 50:18-21 which is the account of Joseph being given a special colurful coat. His brothers were jealous so they threw him into a pit and said he was dead. Meanwhile, a slave trader found Joseph and bought him. The story doesn't end there because God had a plan; and
Romans 8:28 - "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God."; and
The Old and New Testament readings tie each other together by explaining that when this bad thing happened to Joseph, God may have seemed far away. But, in fact He was very close to Joseph. He had a plan. His plan was to position Joseph in Egypt where he would eventually become Pharoah's right hand man. This put him in the position of providing food for his family when the terrible famine hit years later. The other part of the plan was to get the Israelites out of the land of Canaan where sin abounded and bring them to the land of Egypt where they would be untouched and allowed to be set apart until their return to the promised land.
Where is God when bad things happen? Some believe He allows bad things to happen and never causes them. Others believe He causes bad things to happen and are angry because of it. The story of Joseph reveals that he possibly does both - Sometimes he allows sin to have its consequences. Other times he may even set up the situtation or use the situation for a better outcome. Regardless of whether God allows bad things or causes bad thing, the Bible describes God as Love. Would you rather serve a God who has a loving plan for your life and calls circumstances in your path for the end result that He orchestrates. Or, would you rather serve a God who has no control over evil and sits back simply allowing chaos to go on in your life? While both points may have scripture to back them up, Romans points out that for those who love Him, all things will work together for good. Ultimately, in the end, if you stay faithful good will come. There is a happy ending to your story.
provides several coloring pages, Joseph coat crafts and activities that are a fun way to get this lesson across.
Today's ornament for the Jesse Tree is the symbol of a colorful coat. You can use a doll's shirt & add colorful strips of fabric or cut felt pieces to be hung on the tree.
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