Puddle Jump Through Life With Us - Living... Loving... Growing... washed in the love of Christ

Puddle Jump Through Life With Us - Living... Loving... Growing... washed in the love of Christ

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Flowing River of Blessings

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Friday, January 6, 2017

Word of the Year 2017

I'm not big on resolutions. I take a promise very seriously and don't tend to make a promise, or a resolution, if I am uncertain I will be able to keep it. But, these word of the year posts at the beginning of each year have intrigued me.

I sat in quiet asking God what my word should be. The first word that came to me, before prayer, was wisdom. I am doing a series on wisdom from the Proverbs, and it only made sense. But, that word didn't seem to be the one.

Another word that I hope 2017 brings, is prosperity. While, I am hopeful that this will be the case and that one year, hopefully this one, will bring us to a point of paying off debt and actually taking a step forward, and while I absolutely love the idea of prosperity, there was another word that kept shouting above them all.

After reflection, prayer, and thought, my word for 2017 is:


This word, at first, sounded wrong as if it reflects the idea of worrying or being anxious. But, I kept feeling as if this was the word.

Yes, it's anticipation!

Anticipation goes beyond an anxious feeling of worry. Instead, it implies a resolute eyes-fixed-on-the-foal with happy hope and a knowing that it will happen.

My hope is in God, so I know He has His best in store for me.

I anticipate - hope - have faith in - that fact!

So, with high and happy ANTICIPATION, I face 2017.

Homeschool Review Crew Reflecting on 2016

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