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Monday, June 25, 2018

Homeschool Review Crew - Introducing Hake Saxon Grammar 3

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I was thrilled to get a chance to review their brand-new Hake/Saxon Grammar and Writing 3 from Hake Publishing.

What is Hake/Saxon Grammar and Writing 3 from Hake Publishing?

The Hake approach is based on incremental development and continual review.  The Grammar and Writing 3 is written by Christie Curtis and Mary Hake. They took the model and success of Saxon Math and applied it to Grammar and Writing. You can check out the Scope and Sequence of this Grade 3 level here.

Hake Publishing
Hake Publishing Writing and Grammar

The Hake Saxon Grammar comes with three components:

Student Text
Writing Workbook
Teacher Guide

I received a softcover version of each, intended for use with homeschoolers.

The Teacher Guide contains a schedule, a script for Grammar Meetings, an answer key and masters for tests and additional practice pages. The book is 312 pages before the final test and extra practice pages.

The Student Text is consumable and contains 111 lessons of grammar.

The Writing Workbook contains 21 lessons of writing exercises.

It's important to follow the lessons in order. The teacher guide includes everything you need to walk through each lesson. The curriculum also stresses setting and keeping a schedule. Every 5th day, the teacher administers a test and that's when the student does the writing lesson. There is a total of 21 writing exercises and 22 tests.

The first part of each lesson is a Grammar Meeting. This is where the teacher follows the completely scripted text in the teacher guide. The point of the Grammar Meeting is to strengthen listening skills, model correct word usage, practice vocabulary, and to help the student develop proper speaking and writing skills and habits. Every lesson is set up in the following segments:

Grammar Meeting
Speaking & Listening
Review Set

There are notes about how long each segment should take and whether or not they are optional or required.

How Did We Use It?

The program works best when used at least 3 times a week. Since we typically do Language Arts 4 times a week, I thought it would be good to keep it this way. My youngest is currently doing elementary level Grammar and writing, so it fits right in line with her level.

When I opened up the Teacher Guide to see how to use it, I realized that it's all set up and designed to follow step-by-step with really no teacher prep time. So, if you like knowing that everything is already prepared and set up for you to follow, this will be a perfect choice for you.

What Did We Think?

The way it is set up actually reminded me a lot of the book I used to teach my daughter to read, which worked well with her. I have a family of workbook-loving children, so I knew this was right up our alley from the start in that regard. I like how they separate the grammar from the writing and how extra practice pages are included if necessary.

Read what other members of the Homeschool Review Crew thought by clicking on the picture below:

Hake/Saxon Grammar and Writing 3 {Hake Publishing Reviews}

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