Puddle Jump Through Life With Us - Living... Loving... Growing... washed in the love of Christ

Puddle Jump Through Life With Us - Living... Loving... Growing... washed in the love of Christ

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Flowing River of Blessings

It's time for a good book

Monday, February 3, 2020

Under attack - what are my weapons

OK, so we all know my family has been under attack. Satan tried to take out the head of our family and has succeeded in messing with us. But, we are told we are more than conquerors in Christ. So, let's see how do we face the battle?

We are told that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal. So, what weapons do we have to fight this battle?

We have tools to use:

We have thankfulness (ironically, I believe our prayer cover that came from my mom was struck down on Thanksgiving day when she fell in 2018 which led to her death)
We have Kindness
We have Encouragement
We have hope
We have confidence (ironically, again, this was struck hard when my husband had that seizure. It really shook our confidence in asking is he really able to perform and earn money, or do we go a different direction?)
We are told that LOVE CONQUERS ALL! And, the very root of our family's foundation is cracked. I feel as though no one knows how to hold me together. It's not about me, but maybe it is. I certainly don't feel as faithful as Job was when he was faced with horrible tragedies. So, why would Satan be after me?

So, let's start with thanksgiving. I downloaded an app that allows you to track pictures and thoughts of gratitude. The app frustrated me, so I decided to do this on my own.  Today, I took a picture of something that made me happy, made me gracious and thankful. It was the sunrise.

It looked like mountains running across the sky with a burst of light.

I will try to document my thankfulness through a picture a day if I remember, or maybe more. If this battle began by Thanksgiving being robbed, than we can win this battle by being thankful!

Those are my thoughts for today.

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