When my oldest daughter was almost 2 years old she started taking dance lessons at the YMCA. She had the most amazing teacher.
We already knew we loved the teacher but we didn't see coming that she was moving on.
She went on to fulfill her dream of owning a daycare and teaching dance to those children.
This meant she had to retire from the YMCA.
It also meant my girls could no longer have her as a teacher since they were 5 and 10 at the time, older than her preschool kids.
Suddenly in 2012 my world caved in. We began the search for a new studio and found what this teacher had offered was nowielse to be found.
I grieved.
I mean I heaving cried grieved.
I knew my days of watching my little girls dance with innocence and fun were over. I also realized their childhood was transitioning.
Those days that felt like they would never end were over.
But this weekend I got to attend a recital put on by this teacher and her preschool at the same stage where my girls danced.
Why? My daughter now works with this amazing teacher as her assistant.
I cannot tell you how much I needed that closure.
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