Today is Day 25 of the Advent Calendar Jesse Tree devotions. The symbol, or ornament, for Day 25 is that of a baby in a manger or a nativity scene.
The scriptures are Luke 2:1-10 which is the account of Jesus' birth and John 3:16-17 - "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him."
There is no Old Testament reading for today as all the Old Testament prophecies we have read in the previous devotions come to fulfillment on today's study of Christ's birth. Today is the day we celebrate Jesus' birthday. But, it's more than that. The reason we celebrate his birth is because he came to die, to be the sacrifice for our sins, something we could not attain without Him. He was willing to leave His heavenly throne and His Glory to become a little baby in flesh, a human for us. When he was born, they laid him in a manger. What is a manger? It's a feeding trough for animals. They put him there because no one else had made room for Him. But, His words would appropriately become our Bread of Life.
We celebrate Jesus' birth. But, we don't celebrate a King that lies helplessly in a manger in flesh & blood, cold with no where else for him to lay. We celebrate his birth because of his life. He is God and he is man yet he did not sin........ever! He lived to be 33 years old & then died a cruel, horrificly painful death on the cross. But, he refused to complain or even take the pain killer offered him. And, we don't celebrate the baby or the cross because He stayed in the manger or because He stayed on the cross. We celebrate them because He did not stay in either place. Three days after being killed on the cross, he rose up from the grave in a spiritual body, walked among his believers for a brief more moments and then was taken up into heaven where he now remains. Because of this sacrifice of coming as a baby, dying as a man and being completely obedient to his Father, God; we now can come before the Father & be called his sons and daughters. Sin no longer stands in the way. And Jesus calls us his brothers, sisters and friends.
Activity: Celebrate Christmas with your family today!
Today's ornament for the Jesse Tree is the symbol of a baby in a manger or a nativity scene. Nativity scene ornaments are fairly easy to find to purchase. Or, you can make one simply out of popsicle sticks. You could also use rafia.
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