Puddle Jump Through Life With Us - Living... Loving... Growing... washed in the love of Christ

Puddle Jump Through Life With Us - Living... Loving... Growing... washed in the love of Christ

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Flowing River of Blessings

It's time for a good book

Saturday, May 21, 2011

No, I Don't Have To Be Super!

In her sleep the other day, my 2 year old screamed out, "No I don't have to be super!" It was plain and precisely audible. I laughed when I heard it wondering what she was dreaming about. What a funny thing for a 2 year old to say, especially in her sleep.

As I thought about this statement throughout the day I thought m ore and realized that her sleepy words rang so true in my life. As a mom and wife, I quite often feel pressure to make everyone happy. When my toddler is screaming, at me, I feel pressure to make it stop and satisfy her need. I feel pressure when my husband is leaving for work and needs a sandwich to take with him. I feel pressure when my children are needing clothes to wear or help getting a bath. I feel pressure when I hear, "mom, I'm hungry!" I feel pressure as a writer to get my articles out in a timely manner and such that they make sense to the reader. I feel pressure as an Ebay seller to get the items photographed, listed with a proper description & then shipped out safely to make the customer happy. I feel pressure as a Christian homeschooling mom to instill in my children God's values and words and to give them the best possible education they could receive. I constantly feel pressure to make others around me satisfied, needs met & happy.

Perhaps I am a people pleaser. Perhaps i just like peace and quiet so any squeaky wheel makes me uncomfortable and want to make things run smoothly. Or maybe, I want to be a super hero of sorts. Maybe I want to be the hero in my children's eyes. Maybe I want to be a hero to my husband. Maybe I want to be a superhero to the world looking on. Maybe I want others to think I am something more than human and wonderful. In reality, I'm limited to my humanness and the hours and minutes within the course of a day. I can only do what my Lord, Jesus Christ, empowers me to do.

The Bible,says, "I can do all things in Christ who gives me strength. Apart from Him, I can do nothing!"

If Christ empowers me to complete something it will get done. Otherwise, I can only do the best I can do.

So, today I scream along with my 2 year olds - "No, I don't have to be super!"

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