Puddle Jump Through Life With Us - Living... Loving... Growing... washed in the love of Christ

Puddle Jump Through Life With Us - Living... Loving... Growing... washed in the love of Christ

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Flowing River of Blessings

It's time for a good book

Monday, May 7, 2012

Encouraging and Uplifting Book: Homeschooling Why and How Review

As a homeschooler, do you ever question if you have made the right decision?  Or, are you considering homeschooling and don’t quite know how to begin?  I received a review copy of a book recently that has re-ignited a dormant flame in my personal decision to homeschool.  Homeschooling Why and How by Gail Nagasako is such an enjoyable read.

The book has three chapters that cover it all.  The first chapter contains letter after letter from a variety of students (not just homeschoolers).  Some of the students were public or private schooled.  Others were part-time homeschoolers.  And, some never stepped foot in a school and never plan to.  The letters are interesting to read as they step inside the mind of the child or parent who wrote them.

The author expresses her honest views and experiences with “home-based education”.  She takes more of an unschooled (or “free learning”) approach as part of her personal experience.  However, she didn’t start out this way.  She started like most parents do, wanting the best for their child.  She fully intended on presenting her child with the best Waldorf or other educational experience.  What she learned along the way is what inspired her to write the book.

There are days when I am 100% confident I have made the right decision to homeschool my children.  Then, there are other days when that magical yellow school bus looks like the answer to all my woes.  This book has helped re-ignite a spark of excitement and a sense of confidence that I have made the right decision with my children.


  1. I think we all, at one time or another, have the "magical yellow school bus" feeling come over us. I know I do, but then reality gently slaps me in the face and I know I am doing exactly what I am supposed to do for my DD.

    We are semi-eclectic unschoolers...not sure that is a term anyone else uses since I made it up. We use an online resource, Time4Learning and Drive Thru History as our core and supplement with life skills and whatever my DD is interested in learning about. It took me a long time to let go and let learning happen naturally.

    I stumbled across a free e-book about how to homeschool the other day while I was at the T4L Parent & Community Forum. It was written by homeschooling families for new homeschooling families. It has some good info. Here is the link:


    I will have to check out Nagasako's book. Thanks for sharing.

    My Attempt at Blogging
    Quaint Scribbles and 3 D Learners

  2. Thank you Jackie. We were quite eclectic ourselves and as I say in the book, most of us do everything at one time or another...unschool, use classes or worksheets, even try school.

    I have been so encouraged by the many unsolicited rave comments on my book. I hope you find it useful, too. Aloha,
