Puddle Jump Through Life With Us - Living... Loving... Growing... washed in the love of Christ

Puddle Jump Through Life With Us - Living... Loving... Growing... washed in the love of Christ

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Flowing River of Blessings

It's time for a good book

Saturday, March 16, 2013

More Than a Bucket List Review

You've probably heard of a bucket list - The real or imagined list of items of things we wish to accomplish before we, well...kick the bucket.  Making a list is one thing, actually doing them is another.

Some of us dream big and know every last detailed experience we want to enjoy before we die.  Then, there are others of us who are left with a blank slate and absolutely no idea what to fill it with.  That's where "More Than a Bucket List" comes in handy.

"More Than a Bucket List" is an amazing e-book that I had the opportunity to review through Booksneeze.com.  I received a free download of the book in exchange for nothing more than my honest opinion of the book.

The book is compiled and divided based upon themes.  It mixes in scripture and personal stories.

Read the book from cover to cover, or select a topic and head straight to that section to get some ideas for how to practically fulfill your dreams.  Some of the topics include:

Pursue Laughter
Rediscover What’s Important
Live with Strength
Be a Better Boss
Live Faithfully
Memorize the ‘Serenity Prayer’

And, my personal favorite - Find Every Bon Bon on the Planet

You will find the book to include more than just a long list of suggested ideas to check off your bucket list.

Each section presents a straight-talk, down-to-earth encouragement toward fulfilling that particular goal.  There are also scriptures throughout and personal real-life challenges to meet.  There are also quotes from famous, and maybe even some not-so-famous, people to inspire you to go to the next step.

I reviewed the e-book version, so the blank pages at the end of the book only served to stir my imagination as to how I would fill them if they were the paper version of the blank pages of lists.

If you are looking to make your mark in life and want to start checking off items from your bucket list, this book gives you tons of ideas.

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