Puddle Jump Through Life With Us - Living... Loving... Growing... washed in the love of Christ

Puddle Jump Through Life With Us - Living... Loving... Growing... washed in the love of Christ

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Flowing River of Blessings

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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

My Word for 2014

If you has one word to describe your entire year, what would it be? If I were to wrap up 2013 in one word, I'm not sure what I would choose.  We had some amazing road trips, but also had some heartaches of loss and the financial situation in our household never seems to nudge to where we want it to be.

For 2013, the word FRUSTRATING comes to mind when I think of how it often seems to be one step forward and two steps back in reaching our goals.  But, we also had an amazing 4-week musical tour in WI and MI. The entire family came along, and we saw beaches and lighthouses and toured a submarine and rode across Lake Michigan on a 5-hour ferry steam engine ship that's the size of a cruise ship.  We had a blast.  So, in that regard, I would have to say my word would be ADVENTURE.

As we face another year, my word I choose to sum up the days ahead is:


This word has so much meaning to me for a variety of reasons.  Of course, as a Christian, my hope is in Christ for eternal life.

HOPEFUL - What does it mean?  It means to be full of hope, or positive expectation.  It's like being pregnant with the knowing of what you have believed for will happen. At least, that's my paraphrase of what the word means to me.

The word also holds a fairly humorous meaning between my husband and I.  When we attended a marriage encounter weekend, there were many exercises in letter writing where we had to express our feelings.  I would delve deep and try to be honest with how I really felt.  When I would ask to see my husband's feelings in writing, he would always have one word:


This year I hope to attain more of our goals, mainly to get out of debt or at least a step or two closer.  But, I also hope to see my husband fulfill his goal in his musical pursuits.  In addition to that, I hope to see my children grow deeper in their understanding of how much Christ loves them and has a plan for their lives.  Along those lines, I hope to spend more time with my kids and hubby in the days to come.  And, as a homeschooler, I of course, hope to see my children excel at their desire to learn.

See what other homeschoolers chose as their new word by clicking on the image below. Then, tell me in the comments: What is your word for 2014?

Word for 2014

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