I was thrilled to have the opportunity to review an amazing history course from Veritas Press. This is part of the Veritas Press: Self-Paced History for Grades 2-6.
I received one-year of access to the Veritas Press Self-Paced History: Old Testament and Ancient Egypt course and the Old Testament and Ancient Egypt Flashcards that correspond with the online lessons.
Old Testament and Ancient Egypt Self-Paced History - $199
Old Testament and Ancient Egypt Flashcards (includes 32 major chronological events from Creation to Ancient Egypt and the fall of Rome) - $19.95
I received access to the program for one year. I went through the process of signing up and registering my daughter for the class, and then watched the tutorial that was quite informative and fun.
I told my 7-year-old daughter, who is at the extreme lower-end beginning side of the recommended grade level (Grades 2-6) for this curriculum, that this review was for her.
Once you sign on, there is an introductory tutorial that walks you through how to use the online lessons. The tutorial is enjoyable and not bland or boring to watch and is quite informative. From there, it's really easy to start up a lesson and follow along for any child really, though I suppose it helps if they have experience using any kind of program online.
I originally began playing the lessons on my PC laptop, but then while we were out and about one day, I decided to see if they would be playable on my iPhone or her iPod Touch. Well, the good news is that I was able to get them to play, but they are not intended to play on an iDevice. The lessons require the use of Flash, which is not compatible with iDevices. Though, I have a browser app that plays Flash on my iPhone, so all was well for us to use the program anywhere we want. And, if your smartphone or tablet is an Android, there shouldn't be a problem accessing the lessons so long as you have a wireless connection.
One thing that I really liked might sound like a small feature, but when something saves you time and thought, it's a BIG THING To ME! I love that when you log back in, it remembers where you left off and asks you if you want to continue.
Another thing I really like is that the program gives you the option to print the results of the tests to save for your homeschool records.
Overall, I am extremely impressed by the entire program. I love how everything is easy to access and even entertaining to watch online. So long as you have an internet connection, you're good to go. But, it really makes the lessons come alive with the hand-held flashcards that sum up everything being learned.
Veritas Press also has a Self-Paced Omnibus program, which other members of the Schoolhouse Review Crew received. Find out what they thought of the various Self-Paced History and Omnibus programs from Veritas Press, by clicking on the picture below:
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