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Flowing River of Blessings

It's time for a good book

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

TOS Review: Apologia iWitness

Apologia Review

I was privileged to be asked to review three books, written and designed by Doug Powell, from Apologia Educational Ministries:

  1. iWitness Biblical Archaeology
  2. New Testament iWitness
  3. Old Testament iWitness 

Apologia Review
  1. iWitness Biblical Archaeology - This book explores historical finds, outside of the Bible as a resource book, that reveal the accuracy of the Bible. It covers Old and New Testament accounts. This book begins with discussing historical discoveries surrounding the biblical account of Noah's Ark, then it moves into Egypt and the account of Moses, King David, and chronologically continues through discussing the burial shroud of Jesus.
Apologia Review
2. New Testament iWitness - This book focuses on how the New Testament that we read today came about. It presents the historic facts, and then allows the reader to draw his or her own conclusion.
Apologia Review
3. Old Testament iWitness - This book focuses on the books in the Old Testament, how they differ from the Hebrew Bible, how they came about to be included, who wrote them, and whether or not the words are based on fact or mythological stories. The back of the book includes a timeline of events and how they correlate to Scripture.

These are three paperback books written for those at an age 11 year-old or older reading level. Each book is $14.

Read a complete interview with Doug Powell including behind-the-scenes views about what went into these books.

The books are written and presented in a way that makes it easy to read, in short segments, with pictures integrated throughout.


I have reviewed and enjoyed other curriculum from Apologia Educational Ministries and have absolutely loved everything I have been able to get my hands on. So, I was thrilled to get a chance to review these books, as well.

Even though, Apologia Educational Ministries has never let me down, I still wanted to oversee the use of these books to make sure they fall in line with other materials we have come to know that give Apologia a trusted name in our house.

Before I handed the books over to my children or began reading them to my youngest, I wanted to read through them myself. So, I sat down to read, starting with the archaeology book.

I was so happy to discover that the use of these three books together formed a complete picture of Apologetics, why we believe what we believe, and how historic accounts that are recorded outside of the biblical references back up the Word of God in both the Old and New Testament.

I started with archaeology, because I thought that this would be a great historical launching point to lay the groundwork for the substance that is in the Old and New Testament books to follow. I figured, if there was enough archaeological proof displayed in the first book, then my children would have a boost in trust and faith enough to delve into the other two books.

As I read, I felt like I was sitting in my Bible college Apologetics class. These books covered information I learned when I was in Bible college, but they also included additional information I had never considered before, and they were illustrated in an interesting format that presents historical pictures right alongside the text. So, I was excited to present them to my children.

Read what other TOS Review Crew members thought of these three books by clicking on the picture below. In the meantime, find Apologia Educational Ministries on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and Pinterest.

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