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Puddle Jump Through Life With Us - Living... Loving... Growing... washed in the love of Christ

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Flowing River of Blessings

It's time for a good book

Saturday, December 20, 2014

The Barbour Children's Bible Review

I was given the opportunity to review The Barbour Children's Bible in exchange for my honest opinion. I was thrilled when it arrived, as it was even better than anticipated.

There are many children "Bibles" out there to choose from. Many, however, are really more of a Bible storybook and not word-for-word biblical accounts.

This Children's Bible is  NLV New Living Version using a limited vocabulary of 850 easy-to-understand words. The interpretation choice is intended to make the Bible easy to understand and more readable for a child or young reader while not in any way attempting to wash over or take away from original manuscripts of the Scriptures.

The scripture behind The Barbour Children's Bible is:

But Jesus said, 'Let the little children come to Me. Do not stop them. The holy nation of heaven is made up of ones like these."

Matthew 19:14
The Bible is hard-bound with 931 fairly thin, but thicker than onion skin, pages. There are no pictures or illustrations throughout the book at all, but all of the scriptures are broken apart into bite-sized segments with headings that make it easy to quickly know what your child is reading about.  Both the Old Testament and the New Testament are included, with the New Testament highlighting Jesus' own words in the color red.

Retails for $19.99

This Children's Bible seems to be written at approximately a 4th Grade reading level (my guess), but a younger or older child could still very well enjoy it. If the words are still a bit challenging to read, an adult could read aloud with the child until the reading comes easier.

The Bible also has an inside Presentation Page, making it a really nice option as a baptismal, confirmation, or First Communion gift.

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