Puddle Jump Through Life With Us - Living... Loving... Growing... washed in the love of Christ

Puddle Jump Through Life With Us - Living... Loving... Growing... washed in the love of Christ

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Flowing River of Blessings

It's time for a good book

Thursday, December 11, 2014

So This Is How My Teen Spends His Time

Maybe it began when we caved and bought him his first Gameboy Advance in an effort to give him something to do on a 2-day 18-hour car ride when he was 6. Maybe it was my putting him into an Exersaucer at the age of 4 months where he started literally pressing buttons to get my attention. The buttons made animal sounds, and every time I would turn my back to him, he would hit a button to get me to turn back around and pay attention to him.

I don't know, but whatever got him started, my son is into computers. He's also into gaming. He is 14.

He was reading fluently by the age of 3, but getting him to sit down with a book now is near impossible. Though, there was a time he would pore over computer language books and inhale every line of code he could.

He is a freshman in high school this year, and we homeschool him. He is largely unschooled, but for the sake of record keeping and abiding by state requirements, I insist that he complete at least his core subjects each day before he is allowed to game or code.

I realize getting someone to sit down and watch a 9-minute video is a challenge, but he put together a video of just some of what his coding time entails. He coded for hours, took snips of it, and sped it up into super fast mode so as not to bore those who were kind enough to watch.

Meanwhile, in his "spare" time, this is what he is often found doing:


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