Puddle Jump Through Life With Us - Living... Loving... Growing... washed in the love of Christ

Puddle Jump Through Life With Us - Living... Loving... Growing... washed in the love of Christ

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Flowing River of Blessings

It's time for a good book

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Only God Can Make a Kitten Child Book Review

I was so happy to get a chance to review a new book called "Only God Can Make a Kitten" by Rhonda Gowler Greene and illustrated by Laura J. Bryant. I had a chance to review this book as part of the BookLook Bloggers program. I received the book in exchange only for my honest opinion written in the form of a review. So, here we go:

This book is a sweet little book that would be a nice way to send a child off to dreamland with a bedtime story. It features a repetitive, rhyming story line that walks the reader through various scenes in nature until the little boy in the story realizes how special he is that God made him. 

From the start, the reader knows that this children's book is written with the purpose of bringing glory to God. The book is so uplifting and sweet. The rhyming pattern and recall of short groups of lines of text helps the child remember that he or she is special, made by God.

This would also make an excellent introduction to science facts of nature. The boy in the story encounters a plant sprout, a bird sitting on eggs, rain, a flower, the ocean and fish, plums, a tree, rocks, snow, stars, and of course a kitten. With each new page, you could expand upon additional studies related to that new part of nature that was introduced.

The rhyming aspect of the book creates a really sweet sing-song style of presentation that could easily lull a child off to sleep and open up an opportunity for sweet dreams. It also is a fun, upbeat introduction to words with a hint of musical undertones. I found myself almost singing the words that jumped off of the page with enthusiasm and optimism.

The author Rhonda Gowler Greene has authored more than 20 picture books and has several honors to show for it. Find her at www.rhondagowlergreene.com.

The book is a sturdy hard cover and has beautiful illustrations. The illustrator is Laura J. Bryant. She has illustrated several other children's books including Heaven God's Promise for Me. Find her at www.LauraBryant.com.

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