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Puddle Jump Through Life With Us - Living... Loving... Growing... washed in the love of Christ

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Flowing River of Blessings

It's time for a good book

Friday, February 12, 2016

A Book Look Review - The NIRV Beginner's Bible Devotional Pack

As part of the Book Look for Bloggers program, I received a two-book set of The NIRV Beginner's Bible Devotional Pack in exchange for my honest review. So, here's what I discovered:

Not only is this a kid's devotional book that even an early reader could read without any help, but it comes with the actual full text, Old and New Testament Bible. You get the devotion book which summarizes a biblical account for a child to understand and then you get the actual full Old and New Testament Bible to read and study together. Both the Bible and the devotional have a front presentation To/From page to personalize it as a gift.

The devotional contains 365 short devotions, one for each day of the year with brightly illustrated pictures and easy-to-read text. It finishes with the last pages containing the ABCs of Salvation.

The Bible has a brief dictionary in the back along with reference pages of where to find 150 popular Bible stories. It also comes with beautifully illustrated full-page pictures throughout in various places that make the Bible more real and enjoyable to read with an occasional illustration to go along with a passage. The Bible is recommended for ages 6-10, and the devotional for kids 4-8. If your child is reading at the age of 4, he or she will enjoy reading the devotion alone. Otherwise, an adult will love sitting with the child to read together until the child is reading well enough to do it alone. The Bible's pages are fairly thick onion skin style with glossy illustration pages throughout. So, you might not want to hand it over to the 4 or 5 year old, but by the recommended age for the Bible, it would make a fantastic gift for Easter, baptism, birthday, or Christmas.

It is written in a new-to-me version. It is called the NIrV. Because I was not famliar with the version, I was happy to see an explanation about how the NIrV Bible came about. The "r" stands for "Readers". In other words, the group of Bible experts who put the version together only changed sentences that were too difficult for an early reader to understand. None of the meaning was changed. If you are a King James only Bible reader, then this is probably not for you. If, however, you like the NIV, this readers version just makes it more readable for a child without taking away from God's Holy Word.

SUMMARY:  This is a very nice two-pack for children. The devotions are short enough to hold the interest of short attention spans and colorfully illustrated while the Bible is an actual complete Bible and not a paraphrase or Bible storybook making it perfect for further study as the child grows.

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