Giving my children a headstart to their future careers is always a bonus, so I was thrilled to get a chance to review Internship for High School Credit from Apologia Educational Ministries with this workbook that takes high school students from the beginning to successfully completing an internship for credit. Throughout the book, you will be encouraged by uplifting inspirational quotes and tips to keep your student motivated and headed in the right direction.
Be sure to check out the entire Homeschool Review Crew's thoughts as other members of the Homeschool Review Crew had a chance to review Internship for High School Credit like I did, while others got to review How to HOMESCHOOL with Stunning Confidence, Contagious Joy, and Amazing Focus (DVD & Coursebook).

What is Internship for High School Credit?
I received a spiral-bound 99-page glossy paperback cover booklet that was written by Sherri Seligson to offer practical help to explore and direct your student's potential career plans while contributing and learning in the meantime. The book is set up in five parts that start with an introduction and an explanation of how to use the workbook.
- Part 1 - Getting Started
- Determining the type of internship
- Choosing a company
- Preparation
- Receiving High School Credit
- Writing a Resume
- Letter of Introduction
- Sample Letter of Introduction
- Sample Student Resume
- The Interview
- After the Interview
- Gearing Up for the First Day
The introduction "How To Use This Workbook" explains that the student and the parent should read through the first two parts and then discuss it before delving in deeper with the worksheets. While Part I is a fantastic groundwork painting the overall picture of what internships are all about and how to find one and how to land one from the resume' to a successful interview, Part II offers some detailed help directed to the parents.
- Part II - Information for Parents
- Choosing an Internship Location
- Child Labor Laws
- Transcript Documentation
- Course Title and Number
- Number of Credits
- Grades
Encouraging tips and inspirational quotes along the way:
- Part III - First Semester
- How to Use the Worksheets
- Semester Goals
- Weekly Worksheet I
- Weekly Worksheet II
- Weekly Worksheet III
- Weekly Worksheet IV
- Midterm Work Performance
- End-of-Semester Work Performance
- Skills Gained
- First Semester Summary
- A Bonus Benefit
- Part IV - Second Semester
- How to Use the Worksheets
- Biweekly Worksheet I
- Biweekly Worksheet II
- Midterm Work Performance
- End-of-Semester Work Performance
- Second Semester Summary
The final section walks you through completing the internship with activities such as writing thank-you notes, asking for a letter of recommendation along with a writing assignment that wraps up the entire experience.
- Part V - Course Wrap-Up
- Final Writing Assignment
- Thank-You Note
- Sample Thank-You Note
- Letter of Recommendation
- Updating Your Resume
How Did We Use It?
Oh, how I wish this book was around when I did my internships in college. The worksheets included walk students through everything I had to muddle through on my own years ago with little guidance from my instructors. Imagine if I had kickstarted my interning in high school and had this guide book to give me the confidence I needed then. I may not have had this help, but with Internship for High School Credit workbook is here for my kids.
The book keeps it all in one spiral-bound location and also makes a great journal keepsake of the experience.
I was excited to get a better understanding of how internships work and how I can assign high school credit to my homeschoolers for an internship. I wanted also to get some ideas about where my students could intern and then I hoped to present it to them to get them excited about doing an internship while still in high school. I especially had mostly my oldest daughter in mind who has been biting at the bit to get a job and out on her own, and she's only 15 and still working on getting a driver's license.
I looked over the book myself and then began reading the introductory pages aloud with my 15-year-old sitting next to me.
The book keeps it all in one spiral-bound location and also makes a great journal keepsake of the experience.
I was excited to get a better understanding of how internships work and how I can assign high school credit to my homeschoolers for an internship. I wanted also to get some ideas about where my students could intern and then I hoped to present it to them to get them excited about doing an internship while still in high school. I especially had mostly my oldest daughter in mind who has been biting at the bit to get a job and out on her own, and she's only 15 and still working on getting a driver's license.
I looked over the book myself and then began reading the introductory pages aloud with my 15-year-old sitting next to me.
What Did We Think?
I think the book contains a lot of necessary information. I especially appreciated the sample letters and sample resume' and the workbook style that helps the student walk through the process. Some of the really helpful sections include information about the interview and information about how to include the internship on the transcripts along with tidbits about otherwise forgotten issues like how to dress for the internship.
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Other members of the Homeschool Review Crew had a chance to review How to HOMESCHOOL with Stunning Confidence, Contagious Joy, and Amazing Focus (DVD & Coursebook). Read what the Homeschool Review Crew thought by clicking on the picture below:

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