Puddle Jump Through Life With Us - Living... Loving... Growing... washed in the love of Christ

Puddle Jump Through Life With Us - Living... Loving... Growing... washed in the love of Christ

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Flowing River of Blessings

It's time for a good book

Friday, September 9, 2022

3 cars wrecked in 3 weeks

In August 12, someone backed into my husband's van. He was driving down a small highway near our house. The highway has diagonal parking spaces along the side. Someone hit the acceptance backed into his front right quarter panel as he drove by. 

We received an insurance check based on their estimate but it's $2000-$3000 less than shops are quoting us to fix it. All we want is for it to pass inspection in November. But I personally feel as if the shops are over charging knowing they can get more from the insurance. 

Meanwhile, a couple weeks ago I was sitting at a stop light in my van and a Ford F150 plowed into the back of me. We pulled over and I fully expected my back hatch to be crushed. 

But to my amazement it opened and closed and I had to look real close to see any damage at all. The other driver and I were astonished but I'm chocking it up to a miracle. Still I am still in a bit of shock and what just happened mode. 

Then yesterday, September 8, not even a month after the first hit, my husband was parked with his other van full of music gear in front of a retirement home where he had just performed. He texted me that he was going to start driving and not even a minute later said never mind someone just backed into my van. 

That makes 3 can wrecks in 3 weeks. 

So what should my response be?

As a human, I feel like giving up. What is the point of it all?

 As a Christian I think we are being attacked or tested.  I feel as though I need to praise God all the more and demand Satan pay us back 7 fold. 

I struggle between the two responses. 

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