Puddle Jump Through Life With Us - Living... Loving... Growing... washed in the love of Christ

Puddle Jump Through Life With Us - Living... Loving... Growing... washed in the love of Christ

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Sunday, July 7, 2013

My Homeschool Bus Visits eBay: Hot Homeschool Curriculum Deals of the Week

Well, it happened!  I have begun the process that is becoming known as the Great Curriculum Purge of 2013, and I wanted to share where you can find what you need for fall.

The process began with a listing on a Facebook site for Homeschool Curriculum selling and buying.  I thought it would be an easy way to start.

Was I ever wrong!

At the same time, I also listed some children's items on a mom to mom swap Facebook group page.  So far, I have been nothing but frustrated with the results.

All I can say is,

"People:  Please!  If you say you're interested in an item someone has listed in one of these Facebook groups, please have the decency to follow through.  I know life gets busy with kids, but please!"

I listed a few children's items, and got an immediate response that someone was interested in some tutus I had for sale.  I messaged her, and got no response.  I even kept checking my "other" message on Facebook, knowing that sometimes those messages from group members get plopped there since they are not my official friend.  Still nothing.

I got another response of an interested party for a remote control car I posted.  We made arrangements to meet, and I was thrilled.  However, when I went to get this brand new, still in the box, item she was going to buy from me, I happened to notice that the handheld controller for the RC car was missing from the box.  Ack!  I had to message her back and cancel everything before any money transferred hands, thankfully.

I still have a couple other items listed on the mom to mom swap page, but have no real hope of getting anywhere.

In the past, we listed a few big items that we had on Craig's List.  We did end up selling them, but my husband met with the buyers, and one meeting was a bit creepy.  That, and with Craig's List I tend to find that all the looneys come out to flood my email inbox with spam, stuff they want to sell, to tell me how to properly word a listing, to change my price, asking if they could see the item before making a commitment, or asking if I would take less for the listing.  All of which annoy me greatly and make me lose hope in the human race.  It then starts to boil at me until I start to lose my love for people, which has already been teetering greatly for many years.

I took pictures of a few homeschool curriculum items, and listed them on the Facebook group, and got absolutely no response.

Then, I listed them on a different homeschool curriculum buy/sell Facebook group and immediately got a response from an interested party.  I gave her my Paypal account email, and she said she would pay me Friday when she got home from work.  I waited until Saturday evening to check to see if she had paid, and there was no payment and no note telling me when she planned on paying.   Frustrated, I pulled my pictures on the Facebook groups.

I have returned to a site all too familiar, but trusted - eBay.

I wanted to share a link to the homeschool curriculum I have listed on eBay, so you can look through it and find what you need.  The prices I have started the listings at are at a reduced price from what you will find brand new, even though most of what is currently listed is completely brand new.

Please note that the link will take you to everything I have listed, not just curriculum.  Just scroll down the page until you find something you like and need.

I will also be listing tons more as I go through them, get them photographed and described.  So, keep the link and come back often.

1 comment:

  1. sounds like you've had a frustrating time of it.

    hopefully ebay will do the trick for you.
