I have had the privilege of reviewing Dave Raymond's American History 1 and 2 from Roman Roads Media, intended for 6th graders (at least age 12) and up. It is perfect for upper middle schoolers and early high schoolers, but those in higher level high school could get a lot out of it as well.
I received this as a digital download to be used at least three days a week throughout the course of the review. However, they are sold as a 4-DVD set for Part 1 and another 4-DVD set for Part 2 (total of 8 DVDs) for $100 each part, marked down now for $75 for Part 1 and an additional $75 for Part 2 ($150 for the complete 2-part year-long curriculum). I don't know how long this reduced price will last.

The Teacher's Guide includes a scope and sequence as well as everything you need to grade the projects and the exams.
View a sample of the Teacher's Guide
View a sample of the Student's Reader
Watch this sample video lesson:
The videos are presented by Dave Raymond and Compass Classroom.
View a sample of the Teacher's Guide
View a sample of the Student's Reader
Watch this sample video lesson:
The videos are presented by Dave Raymond and Compass Classroom.
- Interesting video lectures
- Reading assignments
- Writing assignments
- Project work
- Portfolio project
- A colonial mapping project where the student chooses a map and then creates a 10X14 work of reproductive art.
- A speech where the student dresses in costume from the time period and presents information.
- A research paper
- After each lesson, the student is to complete a piece of a portfolio. The culmination of all of the lesson portfolios is presented in a scrapbook or sketchbook format which is wonderful to save for record keeping purposes.
- Orientation
- The Banner of the Sun: Meso-America
- Brave New World: The Early Explorers
- The Colossus of Empire: The Colonies
- Stability and Change: The Reformational Colonies
- A City Upon a Hill: The Puritans
- A Foreign War at Home: Wars of Control
- Grace, the Founder of Liberty: The Great Awakening
- Fathers of Independence: Adams, Franklin, Witherspoon, and Henry
- Liberty or Death: The Declaration of Independence
- Awesome Providence I: The War of Independence
- Awesome Providence II: The War of Independence
- A More Perfect Union: The Constitution
- Federal Headship: George Washington
- How Good and Pleasant It Is: Adams and Jefferson
- Manifest Destiny: Settlers, Explorers, and War
- Word and Deed: John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson
- The Original United Nations: The Expansion of the Early US
- Idols of Mercy: Revival, Counterfeits, and Art
- A House Divided I: The Age of Compromise and Divided Cultures
- A House Divided II: Abraham Lincoln and Secession
- The Second War of Independence: The War Between the States
- Brother Against Brother: The War Between the States II
- The Lost Cause: Reconstruction
- A New Normal: The West, Immigration, and Robber Barons
- Theology as Biography: Theodore Roosevelt and Booker T. Washington
The really cool part of the entire curriculum is the portfolio that the student completes throughout the year, adding to it as he or she learns. The portfolio is to be well done, preferably set up in a scrapbook style that is not only enjoyable to look at, but is neat and provides a hand-held summary of what your student has learned.

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