I was thrilled to get a chance to review UnLock Geometry from UnLock Math, the newest level available through the site and is the first course the provides immediate feedback after each question and also offers a new, updated parent and student dashboard.
UnLock Pre-Algebra
UnLock Algebra1
UnLock Algebra2

What is UnLock Geometry?
As the name of the product suggests, it is as if the student is unlocking each new segment, like a challenge. UnLock Math is an online math curriculum program that provides complete math programs which can be used in its entirety or as a supplement. The student "unlocks" segments of a 5-step process in each lesson. The way this program is set up is extremely logical. The student takes part in small segments of learning within each lesson. They follow the path to the next segment until each lesson and each section of lessons are complete.
UnLock Geometry includes 15 units:
Each lesson's steps include:
Warm Up - These are sort of like speed drills but aren't timed. They generate math questions, like adding and subtracting 1-3 digit numbers. There are about 10 questions to complete each time you unlock the Warm Ups.
Video Lesson - These lessons are short, seemed to be about 10 minutes or less per lesson. Sometimes there are fun parodies but are mostly a female instructor, Alesia Blackwood, explaining the new skill to be learned.
Practice Problems - After viewing the lesson, this section presents problems related to the newly learned concept or skill.
Stay Sharp - Similar to the Warm Ups, the student answers about 10 math questions.
Challenge Yourself - This one contains one challenge question that is sometimes in the form of a word problem and is, as the name implies, a bit more challenging than the other problems in the lesson.
Finally, there is a tab that includes the Reference Notes from the lesson that can be printed for review and reference, as it is in a PDF format.
I was asked to use the program with one student at least three days a week. The lessons each take about a half an hour to complete. If you use it every day, it will cover a complete 9 months worth of lessons.

There are a Parent Login and a Student Login. Within the parent log in, you are able to assign the course to the child and view progress reports which are also able to be viewed by the student on the Student Dashboard. The parent is also able to print the reports for record keeping.
UnLock Geometry includes 15 units:
Video Lesson - These lessons are short, seemed to be about 10 minutes or less per lesson. Sometimes there are fun parodies but are mostly a female instructor, Alesia Blackwood, explaining the new skill to be learned.
Stay Sharp - Similar to the Warm Ups, the student answers about 10 math questions.
Challenge Yourself - This one contains one challenge question that is sometimes in the form of a word problem and is, as the name implies, a bit more challenging than the other problems in the lesson.
Finally, there is a tab that includes the Reference Notes from the lesson that can be printed for review and reference, as it is in a PDF format.

How Did We Use It?
This couldn't have come at much more of an appropriate time. My high school Freshman was introduced to Geometry this year for the first time, so this arrived at the perfect time to offer it as a supplement to close any potential gaps.

What Did We Think?
I appreciate that the program presents enough information in one setting to learn a new concept but not too much as to overwhelm the student. I also appreciated that it allows for printing the Reference Notes. This is a big plus in my book since the child chosen for the review is huge on workbook text style of learning. I really like the way each lesson is presented, almost like a video game with levels to conquer, of course, in a learning style rather than a gaming format. The underlying concept is there, encouraging the student to accomplish each step within each lesson toward success.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/UnLockMath Tag: @UnLockMath
Twitter: https://twitter.com/UnLockMath Tag: @UnLockMath
Pinterest: https://pinterest.com/UnLockMath Tag: @UnLockMath
Facebook: https://facebook.com/UnLockMath Tag: @UnLockMath
Twitter: https://twitter.com/UnLockMath Tag: @UnLockMath
Pinterest: https://pinterest.com/UnLockMath Tag: @UnLockMath
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