Maybe it's because I went to a high school named after the pilot, Lindbergh, but the topic of flight has been a source of interest to me for years, so I was thrilled to get a chance to review High School and Adult 6-month Aviation Course online from Doctor Aviation and hopefully get my kids on board with my interest in flight.

What is the Doctor Aviation Course?
The course is accessed through an online subscription and consists of video lessons, notes, and activities. The instructor calls himself Doctor Aviation, otherwise known as Daryl Smith. He attended the Air Force Academy in Colorado when he was 18 years old. He later served as an instructor and a research pilot with the Air Force and has additional academic credentials. He also authored a book on aviation. Altogether, he had 24 years of aviation experience prior to designing this course.
The course is accessed through an online subscription and consists of video lessons, notes, and activities. The instructor calls himself Doctor Aviation, otherwise known as Daryl Smith. He attended the Air Force Academy in Colorado when he was 18 years old. He later served as an instructor and a research pilot with the Air Force and has additional academic credentials. He also authored a book on aviation. Altogether, he had 24 years of aviation experience prior to designing this course.
This course works well with high school students adults, families, or community groups with multiple ages. For younger children, some of the biographies could easily be substituted for children books.
With the additional activities, this course could be used for a high school half credit course or even a full credit.
The program presents Six Sessions each containing between 1 to 4 lesson sessions that are between 42 minutes and just more than one hour each, so if you set aside about an hour to complete each lesson, you will usually have a few minutes after the video lesson to explore some of the suggested links, readings, and activities.
The lessons are presented as:
Section 1 - Course Intro - Session 1: Course Overview: The Aviation System
Section 2 - The Aircraft - Session 2: The Major Components of an Airplane - Session 3: Axes & Forces - Session 4: Why an Aircraft Files: The Secret of Airfoils and Lift - Session 5: Why an Aircraft Turns, Pitches and Slides. The Flight Controls.
Section 3 - Air Traffic Control - Session 6: How We See an Aircraft Miles Away: The Secrets of Radar - Session 7: The Air Traffic Cops: How Air Traffic Control Works
Section 4 - Aircraft Maintenance - Session 8: Keep 'Em Flying: Aircraft Maintenance - Propellor Engines - Session 9: Keep 'Em Flying: Aircraft Maintenance - Jet Engines
Section 5 - Airfield OpSession - Ssession 10: The City in and of Itself: Running a Large Airport - Session 11: The Small Airport and Running on FBO
Section 6 - Session 12: Flying in the Clear and Not so Clear Air: VMC and IMC - Session 13: Important Pilot Instruments - Attitude Indicaator - Session 14: Important Pilot Instruments - Airspeed Indicator - Session 15: Other Aviation Ships: Gliders, Helicopters, Airships
- Technical Trivia
- Notable Aviators
- Legendary Aircrafts and Events
Each session comes with a downloadable pdf that contains class notes that are guided notes of the video lesson and then there is an additional pdf called "Learn More" that contains recommendations for books and links to explore more, etc. There are tests as well. The "Learn More" section includes extra readings, YouTube videos, movies, hands-on activities, research and writing assignments. There were a couple of links that led us to Page Not Found errors, but for the most part, these extras provided some excellent suggestions to dive deeper into the topic.
I was given Doctor Aviation to review with my High School student and as an Adult. I was asked to work through at least one lesson a week during the course of the review. There was absolutely no problem with that. I sat down to watch, and to my delight, not one but two of my teens walked past and asked what I was watching. My High School Freshman actually stopped to listen. I discovered that as excellent as the instructor is to listen to and how easy the printable notes are to follow, the "Learn More" section turns the course into a creditworthy experience.
What Did We Think?
The instructor is very easy to listen to and interesting. I loved how he broke each session up into three parts. I also really love how he incorporated some spiritual, Christian, viewpoint to some aspects of the instruction, like when talking about the Wright Brothers, which, by the way, brought back tons of happy memories of when we visited the Outer Banks and toured the spot of the first flight. It's really nice to have theh note sheets to print off and follow along.
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Twitter: Tag: @draviationguy
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