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Monday, July 9, 2018

Homeschool Review Crew - Bible Study for all Ages

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The Bible is the at the root of why we homeschool, so any study helps that come alongside me and my family to help in this regard are welcome in our household, and you could probably guess that I was thrilled to get a chance to review the Advanced Student PagesAdvanced Teacher Key, Large Bible Book Summary Cards along with the Wall Maps and Timeline set from Bible Study Guide For All Ages.

Other members of the Homeschool Review Crew got a chance to review:

Intermediate (3rd & 4th grade) - Intermediate Student Pages, Intermediate Teacher Key, Bible Book Summary Cards 
Bible Study Guide for All Ages  Bible Study Guide for All Ages

Primary (1st & 2nd grade) - Primary Student Pages, Primary Teacher Guide, Bible Book Summary Cards 

Beginner (3-K) - Beginner Student Pages, Beginner Timeline.

Bible Study Guide for All Ages  Bible Study Guide for All Ages

So, be sure to click on the link at the end of the review to check out what they had to say about the different levels they received.

What is included?

I received the Advanced (5th & 6th grade) - Advanced Student Pages, Advanced Teacher Key, Bible Book Summary Cards, as well the Wall Maps and Timeline set that included the timeline, three maps, and the figures. These are big sheets that you display on your walls.  The size of the timeline is 76" x 25". The sizes of the three maps are 38" x 25", 19" x 25" and 19" x 25".  We chose our entry walk way to use for the necessary wall space.

I'll talk about the timeline and maps in more detail a little later in the review.
The core of the lessons are included in the Student Pages which are wide tear-out sheets, double-sided. These Student Pages are accompanied by a Teacher Guide book that is easy to follow and explains everything you need to know for step-by-step instruction to walk you through completing each lesson.
Bible Study Guide for All Ages

The program is set up to include 4 units which are intended to take an entire year to complete if you are working 2-3 times a week on lessons (2 times a week year round, or 3 times a week during a typical school year). 

For the purpose of this review, we received only Lessons 1-26 from Unit 1. These lessons start in Genesis 35 and 37 with the account of Joseph and end in Luke 2 with Jesus as a youth. 

The entire 4-unit study contains:

The lessons are set up to learn, remember, and personalize what is learned. This is presented with:

Remember It!
Memory Workout
Guess What...
Map and/or Timeline
Get Active
Apply It!
Discover The Bible

Remember It! Reviews briefly important details from previous lessons.

Memory Workout - Includes drills of basic Bible information such as the books of the Bible, twelve sons of Jacob, and this is where the Children Songs CD set comes in handy if you choose to purchase it. 

The Memory Workout section is the portion of the lesson that uses the Large Bible Summary Cards that have a summary of each of the books of the Bible on one side and pictures on the other. There is a separate card for each individual book of the Bible. We received a Large card set, which I love. Something about the size makes you want to interact with the Summary Cards. They would also work great in a Sunday School or classroom setting.

Bible Study Guide for All Ages

Guess What... - This section explains historical information and word definitions.

Maps and/or Timelines - The maps and the timelines seem to alternate where you have either one or the other used during a lesson. The maps show the student where the biblical events took place, and the timelines are a great visual to see when the events happened throughout history. There are illustrated maps and timelines in the Student Pages, but this is where the large wall maps and timelines really make the lessons come alive. (Keep reading - More on the maps and timelines in just a little bit down in the review).

Get Active - These are hands-on or interactive activities to make the student think. One example of a Get Active assignment is to illustrate with markers on paper what hate looks like. Another asks to think about someone you know and how you can help them.

Apply It! This is where the lessons get personal. The students are encouraged to learn the memory verse and apply it to their own lives.

Discover The Bible - This is where students are encouraged to read their own Bible and then interact with cartoon illustrations in the Student Pages.

The Teacher Key includes a copy of the Student Pages along with side notes that walk you through each lesson.

To enhance the lessons, there is a separate wall size Map and Timeline set:
Bible Study Guide for All Ages
These oversized wall components come with a small notebook that includes an explanation as to how to use it, guides to show you where the labels belong, and colorful labels that you cut out and affix to the map or timeline.

Bible Study Guide for All Ages
Bible Study Guide for All Ages
How Did We Use It?

I sat down first to read through the instructions so that I knew how to use it before presenting it to my daughter, who just finished her 5th Grade year of school. The instructions were very clear, so I dived into the student book with my daughter. 

What Did We Think?

We really enjoyed this Bible Study, and the maps and timeline only add to the experience. I was very excited about the timeline and map portion since my daughter is very hands-on with her learning. I also was happy that the study includes a workbook/worksheet style and also has "Get Active" activities that are great for active, hands-on learners like her.


Read what other members of the Homeschool Review Crew thought by clicking on the picture below:

Bible Study Guide For All Ages {Reviews}

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